Saturday, October 6, 2018

John Sidles, Mike Roman, Matt Howell, please email me/hard to get emails of people

John Sidles, Mike Roman, Matt Howell : please email me. at (my usual email)

I need to ask you about some comments you left on the blog a while back (or emailed me -- I forget which, but I can't find your emails if you did email me). I need you to contact me SOON!

When you do I will tell you whats up and why I decline to say here what this is about.

For my other readers -- it is nothing controversial.

How hard is it to find people's emails on the web?

Sometimes it takes less than 5 minutes

Sometimes it is impossible.

Sometimes I get it by asking someone else who knows, or knows who to ask... etc.

It is rare that more time on the web helps. I do not think I ever spend more than 5 minutes and then found it. I have sometimes used linked-in. I don't have a Facebook account (I was going to put in a link to the latest Facebook privacy breach, but (1) by the time you read this they may have had another one, (2) you all know about it, and (3) when I typed in `Facebook Scandal' to Google I got the Facebook page for the TV show Scandal.)

Should people make their emails public? I can see why one does not want to. The old saying is that if you owe people money you want to be hard to find, but if people owe you money you want to be easy to find.

Contrast email to what people DO put online. A few years ago I needed someone's email address. I found his website. From his website I found out the exact day he lost his virginity. Okay... Didn't need to know that. But I still could not find his email address.  I later asked someone who asked someone etc. and got it. But I was struck by what was private and public. This is NOT a complaint (though I wish it was easier to fine email addresses) just an observation.
Computational Complexity published first on Computational Complexity

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